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Inspired Vision Academy Secondary

Resources & Policies

For Parents


Find a list of helpful links most commonly used by parents to stay connected and informed about school events, policies, and resources.

  • The School uses ParentSquare to notify Staff & Parents in case face-to-face instruction is canceled due to weather or other situtations.

    Parents must have up-to-date contact information in order to receive text messages and e-mails from ParentSqaure.

    In addition, information about emergency procedures due to inclement weather and other situations will be broadcasted on news channels and A+ Charter Schools, Inc. social media outlets. 

  • Online Safety Guide 2024 - NetSupport (

    Keeping Children Safe Online | CISA

    You may think that because the child is only playing a game, or researching a term paper, or typing a homework assignment, they can't cause any harm. But what if, when saving their paper, the child deletes a necessary program file? Or what if they unintentionally visit a malicious web page that infects your computer with a virus? These are just two possible scenarios. Mistakes happen, but children may not realize what they've done or may not tell you what happened because they're afraid of getting punished.

    Online predators present another significant threat, particularly to children. Because the nature of the internet is so anonymous, it is easy for people to misrepresent themselves and manipulate or trick other users (see Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks for some examples). Adults often fall victim to these ploys, and children, who are usually much more open and trusting, are even easier targets. Another growing problem is cyberbullying. These threats are even greater if a child has access to email or instant messaging programs, visits chat rooms, and/or uses social networking sites.  Please visit the link below for more information on how to keep your child safe.

    Cybersecurity Awareness Program Parent and Educator Resources | CISA

    When your child wants to go over to a new friend’s house, you probably ask questions. Who else is going? Will the parents be home? We should be having the same discussion with our kids about their Internet use. Which websites are okay to visit? What kind of information is acceptable—and more importantly, what is not—to share online? Below, find resources and materials to help you start the discussion with your kids or students.  Please use the link below to look at resources available to you as a parent/guardian.